Vsi učitelji imajo dopoldanske govorilne ure enkrat tedensko. Razpored dopoldanskih govorilnih ur učiteljev v šolskem letu 2024/2025 (povezava).
Z letnim koledarjem določeni prvi četrtek v mesecu imajo vsi učitelji govorilne ure od 16.00 do 17.00 ure v oktobru, decembru, marcu in maju.
All teachers have a weekly morning contact hour from October through May. To see the timetable of contact hours for 2024/25
In October, December, March and May parents can also meet the teachers at monthly parent-teacher contact hours, every first Thursday in October, December, March and May from 16:00 – 17:00, in the department rooms or in classrooms.
Urnik govorilnih ur učiteljev za dijake je objavljen na Intranetni strani, zavihek gimnazija.
Vzgojno-izobraževalno delo poteka v ponedeljek, torek, sredo in četrtek od 7.00 do 17.30, v petek od 7.00 do 14.10.
School activities from Monday till Thursday will run from 7.00 till 17.30 and on Friday from 7.00 till 14.10.